
CAMMUS Upgraded Steering Wheel Quick Release

————Notification of Shipment Suspension————
Dear Customer,
Thanks very much for your choice and purchase.
We will leave from January 23 to February 5 to celebrate the Chinese New Year. All orders and inquiries will be processed one by one after we return to the office.
Thank you again for your kind understanding and patience during this period.

1.Locks open upon removal for easy re-installation.
2.CNC machined aluminum.
3.70mm spacing for standard wheel rims.

Please Note :

If you purchase our 15NM base, you only need to purchase the female connector.
If you use a base from another brand, you will need to purchase our male connector to match it when you purchase our steering wheel.

Your product will be shipped from CAMMUS’s warehouse in China when ordering through this channel. You will be responsible for customs clearance and duties.

In stock
N/A ,


Quick Release

Female Connector with Stripes, Female Connector with Stripes + Male Connector, Female Connector without Stripes, Female Connector without Stripes + Male Connector, Male Connector


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