Shipping & Delivery


We currently accept all major credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX, etc)and PayPal payments.



We are not responsible for any duty/import/taxes/customs/etc charges you may incur.

International customers are responsible for all import/customs/local tax fees that may be incurred upon receipt of your package.


Shipping Time and Rules

For non-pre-sale products, we process the order within 1-5 business days (*shipment times for each product vary depending on availability) after the order was placed, once confirmed, we will ship it according to the timescale shown on the store product page.

We will select a third-party shipping company with the consent of the buyer, including but not limited to 1. DHL, 2.UPS, 3.EMS, 4.FedEx. etc.

We will choose the most suitable shipping company to provide the service according to the shipping address. You may advise us on the most appropriate shipping company for our reference, however, we may not follow this advice.

The shipping time should be subject to the time announced by the third-party shipping company. Once the products of your order leave our warehouse, the actual delivery may be affected by events that are beyond our control. Thus, we does not assume any responsibility for any delay in delivery due to unexpected logistics-related events.


Total Delivery Time

Total Delivery Time= Handling Time + Transit Time (+ any holidays)

Handling time:

Normally takes 3-10 business days (*The estimated Handling time is shown for each product page). It is the time elapsed between when a customer places the order and when the seller hands the order over to the delivery service. Please note that this does not include holidays and weekends.

Transit time:

Normally takes 7-12 business days. It is the time between when the seller hands the order over to the carrier until its delivery to the customer’s address.
Shipping time is estimated and commences from the date of shipping, rather than the order date, and possibly takes longer than the expected date due to the invalid address, customs clearance procedures, or other causes. (Note: Kindly be advised that the relevant increased cost of address change will be borne by the customer.)

*If any logistics delay occurs, you may send an email to, and we will do our best to contact the logistics company to help resolve the issue.


What is Partial Shipment?

(My order status is displayed as ” Processing ” )

Partial shipment is the delivery of an order in more than one shipment. Partial shipments are necessary when:

  1. One item or another in order is on backorder
  2. An item at a certain warehouse is delayed in delivery
  3. Shipping items from multiple warehouses for faster delivery


Tracking My Order

You will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number once our courier service has picked up your order. You can also click this link to log in to your account to check your order status: Track Your Order

Or send an email to



  1. Taxes may be incurred after your goods arrive in the destination country. The specifics are subject to local customs policies. Please cooperate with package clearance in time.
  2. Please make sure that the delivery address is correct. Once the goods are dispatched, the additional costs caused by the recipient will be borne by the recipient (including but not limited to address modification fee, return shipping and taxes, etc.)
  3. Please keep your contact information open, so that the logistics company can contact you in time.