Privacy Policy

1. Information on the collection of personal data

In the following, we inform you about the processing of personal data when using our website.
Personal data is all data that can be related to you personally, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses, user behavior. In this way, we would like to inform you about our processing procedures and at the same time comply with our legal obligations, in particular from the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

2. Processing of personal data when visiting our website

When using the website for information purposes, i.e. simply viewing it without registering and without you providing us with any other information, we process the personal data that your browser transmits to our server. The data described below is technically necessary for us to display our website to you and to ensure stability and security and must therefore be processed by us.

The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) f GDPR:

(A) IP address
(B) Date and time of the request
(C) Content of the request (page visited)
(D) Amount of data transmitted in each case
(E) Browser

3. Processing of personal data when you make a purchase with us
3.1 Shopping information

If you order something from our online shop, we collect your shopping data. Depending on the type of purchase and processing status, shopping data may include the following information:

(A) Purchased item details (name, price, model, etc.)
(B) Order number
(C) Delivery and billing addresses
(D) Delivery and payment status, 
(E) Messages and communication relating to purchases (e.g. complaints and messages to customer service)
(F) Return status, e.g. “ongoing”
(G) Information regarding service providers involved (e.g. shipment numbers of parcel services)

3.2 Payment details

We offer you various payment methods – in particular [credit card], [PayPal] . We collect the payment details shared by you in order to execute the payment. We receive further payment details from external payment service providers and credit agencies which we work with in executing payments and carrying out credit checks. We only forward information to our payment service providers which is necessary for processing payment.

Payment details include:

(A) Billing addresses
(B) Preferred payment method
(C) IBAN and BIC or account number and sort code
(D) Credit card details

The payment details also include other information directly connected to payment processing and credit checking. This applies, for example, to information which external payment service providers use for identification such as your PayPal ID if you are paying with PayPal.

4. Transfer of data to third parties
4.1 Shipping companies

We work with external shipping companies to deliver orders. These shipping companies receive the following data to execute the relevant order:

(A) Your name
(B) Your delivery address
(C) Your post number if applicable (if you wish to have the order delivered to a DHL packing station)
(D) Your email address if applicable (if the shipping company wishes to inform you of the provisional delivery date by email)